
Jonas Borsch

Erschütterte Welt

Soziale Bewältigung von Erdbeben im östlichen Mittelmeerraum der Antike

[Shaken World. Social Response to Earthquakes in the Eastern Mediterranean Region in the Ancient World.]

2018. XIII, 397 pages.

Bedrohte Ordnungen 11

84,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-156263-1
Published in German.
Jonas Borsch examines several regions and places closely associated with earthquakes. What he finds by looking at the resulting discussions, the resilience of the societies involved, and their religious as well as material coping strategies, is brought into relation with historical disaster research through a diachronic comparison.
The ancient world was well-acquainted with the phenomenon of earthquakes, particularly the inhabitants of the eastern Mediterranean region, many of whom were regularly confronted with seismic convulsions. An abundance of written sources and archaeological findings attests to their resilience and coping strategies. The catastrophes attract the special interest of historians because the debates they triggered went far beyond the event itself to reveal deeper social, economic and ideological structures. Jonas Borsch examines several regions and places closely associated with earthquakes. What he finds by looking at the resulting discussions, the resilience of the societies involved, and their religious as well as material coping strategies, is brought into relation with historical disaster research through a diachronic comparison.

Jonas Borsch Geboren 1984; Studium der Altertumswissenschaften in Trier und Tübingen; 2015 Promotion (Alte Geschichte); Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Sonderforschungsbereich 923 »Bedrohte Ordnungen« der Universität Tübingen; seit 2015 Postdoc bei der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften im Kommentarprojekt zur Chronik des Johannes Malalas.


The following reviews are known:

In: Historische Zeitschrift — 311 (2020), S. 707–708 (Kai Brodersen)
In: Historische Zeitschrift — 311 (2020), S. 707–708 (Kai Brodersen)
In: Archiv für Kulturgeschichte — 101 (2019), S. 463–465 (Lukas Thommen)