Wiebke Voß

Erwerbssicherung beim Grundstückskauf

Eine rechtsvergleichende Studie zu Nichterfüllungsrisiken, Schutzinstrumenten und ihren Wirkungen im deutschen, englischen, schottischen und spanischen Recht
[Ensurance of the Purchase of Land. A Comparative Study on the Risks of Non-Fulfilment, Protective Instruments and their Effects in German, English, Scottish, and Spanish Law.]
2019. XXX, 558 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-156592-2
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Land acquisition is typically a multi-staged process in which the fulfillment of the buyer's claim faces various potential threats. In the area between personal and property law, Wiebke Voß analyses and assesses different ways of conveyancing, compares how they attempt to minimise risks, and looks at how they affect the buyer's legal position.

Rechtsvergleichung und Rechtsvereinheitlichung (RuR)