Wolfgang Huber

»Es geht vielmehr um eine Lebenshaltung«

Wolfgang Huber im wissenschaftsbiographischen Gespräch mit Christian Albrecht, Reiner Anselm und Hans Michael Heinig
Edited by Christian Albrecht, Reiner Anselm and Hans Michael Heinig
[“It is More about an Attitude to Life". Wolfgang Huber in Scholarly-Biographical Conversations with Christian Albrecht, Reiner Anselm and Hans Michael Heinig.]
2022. XI, 208 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-161495-8
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-161495-8
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Wolfgang Huber has helped shape the destiny of the German Protestantism for decades - as a scholar, as president of the Evangelical Kirchentag, as president of its council, as a bishop. In this volume's dialogues with three conversational partners, he reviews the biographical stages of his intellectual development and discusses his theological positions.