
Joseph Blenkinsopp

Essays on the Book of Isaiah

[Aufsätze zum Buch Jesaja.]

139,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-156482-6
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Published in English.
This volume of essays by Joseph Blenkinsopp on different aspects of the book of Isaiah is the product of three decades of close study of the most seminal and challenging texts of the Hebrew Bible. Some of the essays deal with major themes in Isaiah, for example, universalism, theology and politics, and the Suffering Servant of the Lord God. Five of them are published here for the first time.
This collection of twenty essays by Joseph Blenkinsopp on different aspects of the book of Isaiah is the product of three decades of close study of the most seminal and challenging texts of the Hebrew Bible. Five of the twenty are published here for the first time. Some deal with major themes in Isaiah, for example, universalism, the Hebrew God as creator in dialogue with Babylonian and Zoroastrian theologies of creation, theology and politics, and the Suffering Servant of the Lord God, which is of such great influence on the presentation of the life and death of Jesus in the New Testament. Others consist in close readings of specific texts in the book Aufsätze zum Buch Jesaja.

Joseph Blenkinsopp (1927–2022) 1958 S.S.L. (Licentiate in Sacred Scripture) from the Pontifical Biblical Institute; 1967 PhD in Hebrew Bible and Semitics from the University of Oxford; John A. O'Brien Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies in the Department of Theology at the University of Notre Dame.


The following reviews are known:

In: Journal for the Study of the OT — 45 (2021) (Hedy Hung)
In: Bulletin of Biblical Research (BBR) — 31 (2021), pp. 521–523 (Andrew T. Abernethy)
In: Zwinglius Redivivus — (Jim West)
In: Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (ZAW) — 132 (2020), p. 334 (U.Becker)
In: Biblische Notizen — 188 (2021), pp. 129–131 (Marvin A. Sweeney)
In: Old Testament Abstracts — 43 (2020), S. 567–568 (C.T.B.)
In: Salesianum — 83 (2021)