
Ingo Pies

Eucken und von Hayek im Vergleich

Zur Aktualisierung der ordnungspolitischen Konzeption

[A Comparison of Eucken and von Hayek. Towards a New Concept of the Politics of Constitutional Order. By Ingo Pies.]

69,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-147636-5
Published in German.
Confronted with a controversial dispute between liberalism and socialism over values, both Eucken and von Hayek developed an economic approach for giving scientific advice favoring a market system. Having learned from their line of argumentation, the author shows how economic analyses of institutional incentives in situations involving social dilemmas may generate arguments in favor of win-win solutions which are in accordance with Max Weber's condition of 'Wertfreiheit' and thereby promote a democratic consensus on the appropriate rules for an economic and social order.
Confronted with a controversial dispute between liberalism and socialism over values, both Eucken and von Hayek developed an economic approach for giving scientific advice favoring a market system. Having learned from their line of argumentation, the author shows how economic analyses of institutional incentives in situations involving social dilemmas may generate arguments in favor of win-win solutions which are in accordance with Max Weber's condition of 'Wertfreiheit' and thereby promote a democratic consensus on the appropriate rules for an economic and social order.

Ingo Pies Geboren 1964; 1989 Diplom-Volkswirt, Universität Münster; 1992 Dr. rer. pol., Katholische Universität Eichstätt; 1999 Dr. rer. pol. habil., Universität Münster; seit 2002 Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Wirtschaftsethik an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.


The following reviews are known:

In: Jahrbücher f.Nationalök.u.Statistik/Journal of Economics and Statistics — Bd.223 (2003), H.3, S. 379ff (Nils Goldschmidt)
In: FAZ — 3.Mai 2002, Nr.102, S. 56 (Andreas Anter)
In: Revue de la Faculté de droit de l'Université de Liège — 2001, H.4, S. 973f (Leon Dabin)