Cover of 'undefined'

Europäische Verfassungen 1789-1990

Edited by Hinnerk Wißmann
[European Constitutions 1789-1990. 2nd edition.]
2nd edition; 2019. VIII, 583 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-157039-1
Published in German.
  • eBook PDF
  • no longer available
  • 978-3-16-157039-1
Price for libraries
from €160.00
including VAT
For further information and orders, please contact our sales team.
This textbook is geared towards students but also offers legal scholars and anyone interested in the law a clear and comprehensive overview of European constitutional history. The main German 19th and 20th century texts are supplemented by others which have influenced modern constitutional Europe.

Different conditions apply to libraries for this title; please contact the sales department.