
Nina Dethloff

Europäisierung des Wettbewerbsrechts

Einfluss des europäischen Rechts auf das Sach- und Kollisionsrecht des unlauteren Wettbewerbs

[The Europeanization of the Law on Competition. The Influence of European Law on the Applicable Law and the Conflict of Law Provisions concerning Unfair Competition. By Nina Dethloff.]

unrevised e-book edition 2019; Original edition 2001; 2001. XVI, 342 pages.

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ISBN 978-3-16-158026-0
Published in German.
Increasing cross-border advertising and sales activities and the growth of e-commerce in particular have resulted in a rising number of breaches of the law on competition affecting several countries simultaneously. In the absence of a harmonization of the law against unfair competition in Europe for cross-border competition, the question is which country's law should be applied. A detailed analysis given in this book shows that the application of the laws of all those countries in which the effects of an act are felt does not work in the case of multistate acts of competition such as advertising or marketing on the internet. The author thus develops guidelines for a European system of conflict of law rules in the area of unfair competition that take both the conflict of law perspective and the Community law perspective into consideration.
Increasing cross-border advertising and sales activities and the growth of e-commerce in particular have resulted in a rising number of breaches of the law on competition affecting several countries simultaneously. In the absence of a harmonization of the law against unfair competition in Europe for cross-border competition, the question is which country's law should be applied. A detailed analysis given in this book shows that the application of the laws of all those countries in which the effects of an act are felt does not work in the case of multistate acts of competition such as advertising or marketing on the internet. The author thus develops guidelines for a European system of conflict of law rules in the area of unfair competition that take both the conflict of law perspective and the Community law perspective into consideration.

Nina Dethloff Geboren 1958; 1976–82 Studium der Rechtswissenschaften in Hamburg, Genf und Freiburg; 1983–84 Master of Laws (Georgetown University); 1984–86 und 1987–91 Wiss. Mitarbeiterin an der Universität Freiburg; 1986–87 Beraterin bei der Federal Trade Commission in Washington, D.C.; 1987 Attorney at Law (New York); 1990 Promotion; 1991–96 Wiss. Assistentin an der Universität Freiburg; 1996–99 DFG-Stipendium; 2000 Habilitation.


The following reviews are known:

In: Juristenzeitung — 2002, H.9, S. 450f
In: Betriebs-Berater — Jg.56 (2001) H.41, S. VII (?)
In: Jurawelt GbR — (Ralf Hansen)
In: Europäisches Wirtsch.u.SteuerR — 2002, H.8, S. V
In: Nederlands Internat. Privaatrecht — 2001, H.4, S. 417f
In: IPRax — 2002, H.4, S. 347
In: Recht der International. Wirtschaft — 2002, H.10, S. IV