Johannes Melchior Blaschczok

Freiheit und Fairness

Kartellrechtliche Fairnessgebote im AEUV, im Digital Markets Act und im GWB im Licht des dynamischen Ordoliberalismus
[Freedom and Fairness. Antitrust Fairness Requirements in the TFEU, the Digital Markets Act and the ARC in the Light of Dynamic Ordoliberalism.]
2023. XXIV, 454 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-162606-7
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-162606-7
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Johannes Melchior Blaschzok's study of the concept of 'fairness' as referred to in Art. 102 TFEU and in the new EU Digital Markets Act provides novel insights into the classical discussions surrounding the ethical and economic foundations of European competition law as well as into the theory of law in times of diverse economic analyses.

Beiträge zum Kartellrecht (BtrKR)