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Prinzipien eines europäischen Republikanismus
Edited by Rolf Gröschner and Oliver W. Lembcke
[Freistaatlichkeit. Principles of a European Republicanism.]
2011. VIII, 367 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-150982-7
Freistaatlichkeit is statehood in the sense of republicanism. The authors of this volume attempt to capture the spirit of republicanism in terms taken from the intellectual tradition of Aristotelian politeia and Cicero's res publica and within the framework of an equally traditional and modern political theory of the republic. The volume presents the results of a conference at the Hellmuth Loening Center for Political Science in Jena. The papers show that each subject was dealt with by representatives from the fields of both political science and constitutional law.