Charlotte Kirsch-Klingelhöffer
Frühchristliche Stoarezeption
Zur Rezeption einer philosophischen Schule in den apologetischen und antihäretischen Schriften des 2. und frühen 3. Jahrhunderts
[Early Christian Reception of Stoicism. The Reception of a Philosophical School in the Apologetic and Antiheretical Writings of the 2nd and Early 3rd Centuries.]
2024. XIII, 663 pages. Published in German.
The reception of Stoic philosophy is an important part of the early Christian discourse with contemporary philosophy. By comparing Christian texts to other ancient sources, Charlotte Kirsch-Klingelhöffer shows how Stoic thoughts such as conflagration, destiny and human autonomy, and terms such as logos spermatikos, either become part of Christian theology by adaption/modification or are criticized in order to engage in a dialogue with ancient philosophy.