
Gallia docta?

Education and In-/Exclusion in Late Antique Gaul
Edited by Tabea L. Meurer and Veronika Egetenmeyr

[Gallia docta? Bildung und In-/Exklusion im spätantiken Gallien.]

89,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-162437-7
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Published in English.
This volume explores the role education played for societies in late antique Gaul. Which educational communities can be traced? How did education affect in- and exclusion? Through a wide range of sources and case studies, the contributions outline the discursive contours of Gallia docta.
Education is and was a mighty tool for both building communities and barring people from social participation. This volume explores the role education played for late Roman societies especially in Gaul, which was considered a landscape of learning. Numerous literary and material sources document a dynamic educational culture, even though imperial administrative structures were disintegrating by the fifth century and non-Romans were settling in Western provinces. But was Gaul really learned in its entirety? Which different educational communities can be traced? How did education affect processes of in- and exclusion? Thanks to a wide range of case studies, the contributions presented here throw open a window on the societal dimensions of education and frame the discursive outlines of Gallia docta.
Survey of contents
Peter Gemeinhardt: Foreword – Veronika Egetenmeyr/Tabea L. Meurer: Introduction. Approaches to Education & In-/Exclusion

Part 1: Constructing Educational Communities
Veronika Egetenmeyr: Eucherius of Lyon and the Educational Communities of Lérins − Raphael Schwitter: Writing Poetry in the Schools of Gaul – Rhetorical Practice and Literary Pursuit − Joop van Waarden: A Gentleman Weighs his 'You' and 'I'. Inclusion in the Letters of Faustus, Mamertus Claudianus, Ruricius, Avitus and Ennodius

Part 2: Plurality of and Multiple Membership in Educational Communities
Jan-Markus Kötter: Novi Martini . Die Bildungsgemeinschaft der Gallischen Chronik von 452 – Christian Stadermann: Barbarians within the Gates: Integration and Disintegration in Late Roman Gaul − Gernot M. Müller: Zwischen Abgrenzung und Integration. Sidonius Apollinaris' Carmina minora im Horizont der Bildungsgeschichte des 5. und 6. Jahrhunderts

Part 3: In- and Exclusion through Education
Judith Hindermann: Lists as a Means of Education. The Inclusion of Literary Authorities in Sidonius Apollinaris' Letters and Poems − Hendrik Hess: The Role of Women in Gallic Letter Collections in the Second Half of the 5th Century − Maik Patzelt: The Fusion of Secular and Spiritual Education in Gallic Cloisters. A Rereading of Caesarius' Regula ad virginesWillum Westenholz: When You Have Nothing Nice to Say... Some Unkind Letters of Recommendation from the Pen of Sidonius Apollinaris

Part 4:Gallia docta – A Landscape of Learning? Realities and Ideologies
Alison John: Greek in the Literary Circles of Sidonius' Gaul − Nikolas Hächler: (Re-)Presenting παιδεία through Objects. Exclusion and Inclusion through the studia litterarum on the Example of the Treasure of Kaiseraugst − Tabea L. Meurer: Ausonius' Professores . A Landscape of Learning in Fourth-Century Gaul?

Tabea L. Meurer Born 1988; 2011 BA History and Latin Philology, 2013 MEd History and Latin Philology, and 2018 PhD Ancient History, University of Münster; Research Associate, University of Mainz.

Veronika Egetenmeyr Born 1987; 2014 MA Ancient History, University of Heidelberg; 2018 PhD Ancient History, University of Kiel; 2020 DAI travel grant; Junior Professor for Ancient History, University of Koblenz.


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