
Gelingendes Recht

Über die ästhetische Dimension des Rechts
Hrsg. v. Joachim Lege

[Law that Works. The Aesthetic Dimension of Law.]

2019. X, 109 pages.
19,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-157035-3
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Published in German.
Law is the most important of society's infrastructures. How it is perceived by society is therefore of major relevance – as is, on the same strength, how the law perceives both society and itself. From this aesthetic aspect, how and when can it be said that a legal solution is perceived as appropriate? When does it really fit the problem? The participants of the conference »Gelingendes Recht« examined these questions from a theoretical as well as practical view point in their search for what makes law work successfully.
Law is the most important of society's infrastructures. How it is perceived by society is therefore of major relevance – as is, on the same strength, how the law perceives both society and itself. From this aesthetic aspect, how and when can it be said that a legal solution is perceived as appropriate? When does it really fit the problem? The participants of the conference »Gelingendes Recht« examined these questions from a theoretical as well as practical view point in their search for what makes law work successfully.
Survey of contents
Joachim Lege: Einführung – Helene-Bubrowski: Eine ganz eigene Ästhetik – Hans-Joachim Strauch: Die Ästhetik richterlicher Erkenntnis – Kai-Michael Hingst: Die Ästhetik anwaltlicher Erkenntnis – Eva Maria Belser: Die Befriedung von Krisengebieten durch das Recht. Einige Gedanken zu den Bedingungen gelingender Verfassunggebung in Zeiten des Aufruhrs – Götz Schulze: Die Ästhetisierung des Rechts in Theorie und Praxis – Maximilian Wolf: Die Schönheit der Eingriffskondiktion. Am Beispiel höchst-persönlicher Rechtsgüter – Martin Groß: Ästhetik als Herausforderung in der Fallbearbeitung. Eine Vorstudie

Joachim Lege Geboren 1957; Studium der Rechtswissenschaften in Bielefeld und Freiburg im Breisgau; Rechtsanwalt in Freiburg; Wissenschaftlicher Assistent in Erlangen; 1995 Promotion; 1997 Habilitation; 1998–2003 Professor an der TU Dresden; seit 2003 Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Öffentliches Recht, Verfassungsgeschichte, Rechts- und Staatsphilosophie an der Universität Greifswald.


The following reviews are known:

In: Die Öffentliche Verwaltung — 2020, 371–373 (Michael Kilian)