
Friederike Kaiser

Gemischte Abkommen im Lichte bundesstaatlicher Erfahrungen

[Mixed Agreements in Light of Federal Experiences. A Comparative Study of the International Treaties of the European Community.]

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ISBN 978-3-16-151173-8
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Published in German.
Friederike Kaiser analyzes mixed agreements of the EC and compares this treaty practice with other federal systems.
In the area of foreign policy, the capacity of the EC to act and the individual interests of the member states are often diametrically opposed. Against this backdrop, Friederike Kaiser analyzes mixed agreements of the EC and compares this treaty practice with other federal systems. In doing so, she draws on the federal experiences as a basis for comparison, giving a horizontal comparison of the federal and comparable national constitutional systems and a vertical comparison of the EC and the result of the horizontal comparison. Analyzing the jurisdiction of the ECJ, the author shows the links between the results of her comparison and uses them for problem solving. The practical background of this study, whose aim is to find an appropriate reconciliation of interests between the European Community and its member states, makes this an important work for dealing with mixed agreements in the future.

Friederike Kaiser Geboren 1975; Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Konstanz, Université de Liège (Belgien) und LMU München; 2008 Promotion; Projektleiterin bei der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, mit Schwerpunkten im Bereich Europarecht und Vertretung kommunaler Interessen auf europäischer Ebene.


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