
Hugo Preuß

Gesammelte Schriften

Dritter Band: Das Verfassungswerk von Weimar
Hrsg., eingel. u. erl. v. Detlef Lehnert, Christoph Müller u. Dian Schefold

[Collected Writings. Volume Three: The Constitutional Work of Weimar.]

2015. XIV, 751 pages.
114,00 €
including VAT
cloth - unit price
ISBN 978-3-16-150523-2
Published in German.
Hugo Preuß is regarded as the father of the Weimar Constitution. It was not until now that it has been realized what the German Basic Law owes to the constitutional work done in Weimar. His work on the Weimar Constitution is impressive due to its inner consistency and the fact that it was completely up to date.
After the Kaiser's escape and abdication, Hugo Preuß became the minister of the interior and was commissioned to prepare a draft of a democratic constitution for the future. He is regarded as the father of the Weimar Constitution. It was not until now that it has been realized what the German Basic Law owes to the constitutional work done in Weimar. His work on the Weimar Constitution is impressive due to its inner consistency and the fact that it was completely up to date. Unlike mystified state sovereignty, he developed a multilevel model which is rooted in the democracy of the municipalities and the federal states and which sees a part of its own legal system in international law above the state as a whole.

Hugo Preuß (1860–1925) 1918 Staatssekretär des Innern, Entwurf der Weimarer Reichsverfassung; 1919 erster Reichsinnenminister, Rücktritt mit dem Kabinett Scheidemann wegen der Bedingungen des Versailler Friedensvertrages; 1920 Abgeordneter des Preußischen Landtags für die DDP.

Detlef Lehnert ist Professor für Poltikwissenschaft an der Freien Universität Berlin und Präsident der Hugo-Preuß-Stiftung.

Christoph Müller ist emeritierter Professor für Staatsrecht und Politik am Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft der FU Berlin.

Dian Schefold ist emeritierter Professor für Rechtswissenschaft an der Universität Bremen.


The following reviews are known:

In: Informationsmittel f. Bibliotheken — (2/2017) (Joachim Lilla)
In: Jahrbuch zur Liberalismus-Forschung —–16-grothe-preuss_0.pdf (Ewald Grothe)
In: Die Öffentliche Verwaltung — 2017, 33–34 (Hans-Christof Kraus)
In: Recht und Politik — 2018, 382–384 (Heiko Holste)
In: Mitteilungen d. Histor. Vereins d. Pfalz — (1/2017) (Karsten Ruppert)
In: Das Historisch-Politische Buch — 2016, 629–630 (Karsten Ruppert)
In: Lo Stato — 2017, 394–395 (Agostino Carrino)
In: Zeitschr. integrativer europ. RechtsG (ZIER) —–2016/PreussHugo-GesammelteSchriften3.htm (2/16) (Gerhard Köbler)
In: Zeitschrift d.Savigny-Stiftung G — 2018, 581–583 (Christoph Gusy)