
Friedrich A. von Hayek

Gesammelte Schriften in deutscher Sprache

Abt. A Band 9: Geld und Konjunktur. Band II: Schriften, 1929–1969
Hrsg. v. Hansjörg Klausinger

[Collected Writings in German. Section A, Volume 9: Monetary Theory and the Trade Cycle. Volume II: Essays, 1929–1969.]

unveränderte eBook-Ausgabe 2023; Orginalausgabe 2016; 2016. VII, 319 pages.
29,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-162262-5
Published in German.
This volume includes Hayek's core contributions to the theory of money and the trade cycle, Geldtheorie und Konjunkturtheorie (1929) and Preise und Produktion (1931), as well as his later reactions to criticism.
The Austrian economist and social philosopher Friedrich August von Hayek (1899–1992), winner of the 1974 Nobel Prize, is widely regarded as one of the most influential thinkers in the 20th century's tradition of classical liberalism. This volume includes Hayek's core contributions to the theory of money and the trade cycle, Geldtheorie und Konjunkturtheorie (1929) and Preise und Produktion (1931), as well as his later reactions to criticism.
As a common feature, Hayek consistently identifies an inflationary-induced boom as the crucial cause of crisis and rejects expansionary monetary or fiscal policies as a remedy. In this vein, he fights from the outset against a »macroeconomic« approach to problems of the trade cycle and in particular against economic policies based on Keynesian foundations.

Friedrich A. von Hayek (1899–1992) 1918–23 Studium der Rechts- und Staatswissenschaften in Wien; 1921 Dr. jur.; 1923 Dr. rer. pol.; 1929 Privatdozent an der Universität Wien; 1931–50 Tooke Professor of Economic Science and Statistics, London School of Economics; 1950–62 Professor of Social and Moral Science, University of Chicago; 1962–68 Professor für Volkswirtschaftslehre, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau.

Hansjörg Klausinger Geboren 1953; Studium der Volkswirtschaftslehre; 1980 Promotion; 1990 Habilitation an der WU, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien; Research Fellowships an der Harvard University und der Duke University; derzeit außerordentlicher Professor am Department Volkswirtschaft der WU.


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