
Karl R. Popper

Gesammelte Werke in deutscher Sprache

Band 3: Logik der Forschung
Hrsg. v. Herbert Keuth

[The Logic of Scientific Discovery. Collected Works Volume 3.]

11st, reviewed and supplemented edition; 2005. XXXIX, 601 pages.
39,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-148410-0
Published in German.
This work, which many regard as Karl Popper's most important for the scientific world, is being published in a new edition as part of the Collected Works. In Popper's opinion, it is a mistake to consider scientific knowledge to be certain knowledge. He maintains that, on the contrary, scientific knowledge consists of bold speculations and of strictly examined but in reality provisional conjectures.
This work, which many regard as Karl Popper's most important for the scientific world, is being published in a new edition as part of the Collected Works. In Popper's opinion, it is a mistake to consider scientific knowledge to be certain knowledge. He maintains that, on the contrary, scientific knowledge consists of bold speculations and of strictly examined but in reality provisional conjectures.

Karl R. Popper (1902–1994) 1928 Dr.phil.; 1948 D.Litt. an der Universität London; bis 1945 Senior Lecturer an der University of New Zealand; 1945–49 Reader; 1949–69 Professor of Logic and Scientific Method an der London School of Economics and Political Science; 1969 Emeritierung. Sir Karl Popper war mehrfacher Ehrendoktor und Träger hoher Auszeichnungen, zuletzt der Otto Hahn-Friedensmedaille der Vereinten Nationen.

Herbert Keuth Geboren 1940; Studium der Volkswirtschaftslehre; 1970 Promotion Wissenschaftslehre und Soziologie; 1976 Habilitation; seit 1979 Professor für Wissenschaftstheorie in Tübingen.


The following reviews are known:

In: ZeitGeist — 2006, H.2, S.64ff (Wolfgang Neundorf)
In: Dialogo Filosofico — Jg.22 (2006), H.1, S.177