
Karl R. Popper

Gesammelte Werke in deutscher Sprache

Band 2: Die beiden Grundprobleme der Erkenntnistheorie. Aufgrund von Manuskripten aus den Jahren 1930–1933
Hrsg. v. Troels E. Hansen

[The Two Fundamental Problems of the Theory of Knowledge. Based on Manuscripts Written between 1930–1933. 3rd amended and expanded edition. Collected Works Volume 2.]

3rd, reviewed and supplemented edition; 2010. XLII, 705 pages.
139,00 €
including VAT
cloth - unit price
ISBN 978-3-16-148506-0
Published in German.
In his investigations of the problem of induction and the problem of demarcation – the two fundamental problems of the theory of knowledge – Popper criticizes in great detail apriorism (Kant, Fries and Nelson) and logical positivism (Wittgenstein, Schlick and Carnap). He also gives a severe criticism of conventionalism (Poincaré, Duhem and Dingler), and presents his own new and distinct solution to the two problems.
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In his investigations of the problem of induction and the problem of demarcation – the two fundamental problems of the theory of knowledge – Popper criticizes in great detail apriorism (Kant, Fries and Nelson) and logical positivism (Wittgenstein, Schlick and Carnap). He also gives a severe criticism of conventionalism (Poincaré, Duhem and Dingler), and presents his own new and distinct solution to the two problems: There is no such thing as induction, and it is only using the criterion of falsifiability and methodological rules that makes it possible to distinguish between empirical sciences on the one hand and mathematics, logic and metaphysics on the other. It was not until 1979 that the remaining manuscripts were published, along with an introduction and many new notes by Popper. And it was not until 2009 that an English translation was published (Routledge). To this new edition two new appendices (1993), a postscript (2010) and many new notes have been added.
If you would like to receive a special brochure on Karl Popper's Gesammelte Werke, please contact us.

Karl R. Popper (1902–1994) 1928 Dr.phil.; 1948 D.Litt. an der Universität London; bis 1945 Senior Lecturer an der University of New Zealand; 1945–49 Reader; 1949–69 Professor of Logic and Scientific Method an der London School of Economics and Political Science; 1969 Emeritierung. Sir Karl Popper war mehrfacher Ehrendoktor und Träger hoher Auszeichnungen, zuletzt der Otto Hahn-Friedensmedaille der Vereinten Nationen.

Troels Eggers Hansen Geboren 1936; 1963–1999 Bibliothekar an der Universitätsbibliothek Kopenhagen; seit 1999 im Ruhestand.


The following reviews are known:

In: Informationsmittel f. Bibliotheken — (07/2011) (Till Kinzel)
In: ORDO — 62 (2011), S. 581–583 (Manfred Hilzenbecher)