
Karl R. Popper

Gesammelte Werke in deutscher Sprache

Band 15: Ausgangspunkte. Meine intellektuelle Entwicklung
Übers. v. Friedrich Griese. Hrsg. v. Manfred Lube

[Unended Quest. An Intellectual Biography. Collected Works Volume 15.]

2012. X, 507 pages.
129,00 €
including VAT
cloth - unit price
ISBN 978-3-16-150288-0
Published in German.
In the Unended Quest, Karl Popper deals with the grand old philosophical issues, which in Popper's opinion always needed to be restated: physical theories, the body-mind problem, individuality, freedom. It can be regarded as an introduction to the work of one of the major philosophers of the 20th century.
In the Unended Quest, Karl Popper deals with the grand old philosophical issues, which in Popper's opinion always needed to be restated: physical theories, the body-mind problem, individuality, freedom. In this autobiography, Popper does not describe his personal circumstances as much as he does the important stimuli which had an enduring effect on his intellectual development and the philosophical problems which he dealt with in the course of his life. Although the focus is not on his personal life, there are some individual sections in the book which describe the initial situations or the concrete experiences which led to Popper's critical observations. Thus the Unended Quest can be regarded as an introduction to the work of one of the major philosophers of the 20th century.

Karl R. Popper (1902–1994) 1928 Dr.phil.; 1948 D.Litt. an der Universität London; bis 1945 Senior Lecturer an der University of New Zealand; 1945–49 Reader; 1949–69 Professor of Logic and Scientific Method an der London School of Economics and Political Science; 1969 Emeritierung. Sir Karl Popper war mehrfacher Ehrendoktor und Träger hoher Auszeichnungen, zuletzt der Otto Hahn-Friedensmedaille der Vereinten Nationen.

Manfred Lube Geboren 1945; seit 1971 Bibliothekar (Universität Graz); 1983–90 Bibliotheksdirektor Montanuniversität Leoben; 1990–2007 Bibliotheksdirektor Universität Klagenfurt; Ruhestand 2007; seit 2008 Leiter des Copyright-Büros an der Karl Popper-Sammlung der Universitätsbibliothek Klagenfurt.

Friedrich Griese No current data available.


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