Cover of 'undefined'
Karl R. Popper

Gesammelte Werke in deutscher Sprache

Band 15: Ausgangspunkte. Meine intellektuelle Entwicklung
Übersetzt von Friedrich Griese. Hrsg. v. Manfred Lube
[Unended Quest. An Intellectual Biography. Collected Works Volume 15.]
2012. X, 507 pages.
Published in German.
unit price
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-150288-0
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In the Unended Quest, Karl Popper deals with the grand old philosophical issues, which in Popper's opinion always needed to be restated: physical theories, the body-mind problem, individuality, freedom. It can be regarded as an introduction to the work of one of the major philosophers of the 20th century.