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Karl R. Popper

Gesammelte Werke in deutscher Sprache

Band 14: Freiheit und intellektuelle Verantwortung. Politische Vorträge und Aufsätze aus sechs Jahrzehnten
Edited by Hans-Joachim Niemann
[Freedom and Intellectual Responsibility. Political Addresses and Essays from Six Decades. Collected Works Volume 14.]
2016. VI, 467 pages.
Published in German.
unit price
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-152744-9
Volume 14 of Karl Popper's collected works in German contains 24 essays written between 1945 and 1993. As topical as ever, they have lost nothing of their challenging character and bring once more to the fore Popper's praise of the so-called culture clash, which he sees as an opportunity to learn from others while at the same time recognizing the faults and shortcomings of one's own culture.