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Bernd Rüthers

Geschönte Geschichten - Geschonte Biographien

Sozialisationskohorten in Wendeliteraturen. Ein Essay
[Dressed Up Stories - Played Down Biographies. Socialization Cohorts in the Literature of German Reunification. 2nd edition.]
2nd, supplemented edition with an afterword; 2015. XIV, 189 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-154116-2
In this work, the author describes how, following radical political changes, groups of intellectuals who have experiences and interests in common are united in their goal to justify the roles they played in the old systems and to construct or consolidate their roles1 in the new system. These efforts often result in dressed up stories and played down (auto) biographies.