
Frank Spohnheimer

Gestaltungsfreiheit bei antezipiertem Legalanerkenntnis des Schiedsspruchs

Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Gewährung rechtlichen Gehörs in Schiedsverfahren und zur Aufhebung von Schiedssprüchen

[Balancing the Anticipated Legal Acknowledgement of Awards and Procedural Flexibility in Arbitration]

94,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-150482-2
Published in German.
Arbitration owes its popularity in part to the large amount of control it affords parties over the procedure used. Frank Spohnheimer investigates the extent to which the legal system places arbitral awards and legally binding judgements of the state courts on an equal footing. At the center of it all is the right to be heard.
Arbitration owes its popularity in part to the large amount of control it affords parties over the procedure used. Frank Spohnheimer investigates the extent to which the legal system places arbitral awards and legally binding judgements of the state courts on an equal footing. At the center of it all is the right to be heard.

Frank Spohnheimer Geboren 1981; Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken; 2010 Promotion; derzeit Rechtsreferendar am Saarländischen Oberlandesgericht.


The following reviews are known:

In: Zeitschr.f.Zivilprozeß — 2012, 259–262 (Ingo Saenger)
In: Yearbook Commercial Arbitration — 2010, 643–644
In: IPRax — 2010, 589