
Dietz Lange

Glaube in fremder Zeit

[Faith in Alienating Times.]

2019. XIII, 244 pages.
24,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-158301-8
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Published in German.
Biblical criticism and secularization mark neither the demise of Christianity nor the apex of Christian freedom. Dietz Lange shows that the loss of a cultural monopoly calls instead for a reappraisal of the certitude of faith in Jesus Christ as the »Word of God« and its non-apologetic assertion in both internal and interfaith dialogues.
Biblical criticism and secularization mark neither the demise of Christianity nor the apex of Christian freedom. Dietz Lange shows that the loss of a cultural monopoly calls instead for a reappraisal of the certitude of faith in Jesus Christ as the »Word of God« and its non-apologetic assertion in both internal and interfaith dialogues.

Dietz Lange Geboren 1933; Studium der Ev. Theologie in Tübingen, Göttingen, Chicago und Zürich; 1961–63 Vikar in Bochum und Witten; ab 1963 Assistent und Akademischer Rat/Oberrat in Göttingen; 1964 Promotion in Zürich und Ordination in Bochum; 1973 Habilitation für Systematische Theologie in Göttingen; 1977–98 Professor ebendort; seit 1988 Prediger an St. Marien in Göttingen.


The following reviews are known:

In: —
In: Theologische Literaturzeitung — 145 (2020), S. 853–856 (Martin Ohst)