
Kurt Hübner

Glaube und Denken

Dimensionen der Wirklichkeit

[Faith and Thought. Dimensions of Reality. 2nd edition.]

2nd, reviewed edition; 2004. XVI, 625 pages.
59,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-148429-2
Published in German.
Kurt Hübner gives a systematic analysis of mythical and non-mythical elements of Christian revelation, which are connected inseparably to each other, in the first part of his work. In the second part, he describes the different fruitless efforts in the history of metaphysics to replace or disprove the revelation by scientific reason.
Christian faith today is criticized as being inconsistent with science. However, as the modern philosophy of science has demonstrated, reality has many dimensions, and science is only one approach to reality. As surprising as it may seem, mythical and religious experiences are among the other approaches, and they are just as important as the scientific approaches. Based on this recognition, the author gives a systematic analysis of mythical and non-mythical elements of Christian revelation, which are connected inseparably to each other, in the first part of his work. In the second part, he describes the different fruitless efforts in the history of metaphysics to replace or disprove the revelation by scientific reason.

Kurt Hübner Geboren 1921; Studium der Philosophie in Prag, Rostock und Kiel; 1951 Promotion; 1955 Habilitation; 1961–71 o. Professor an der Technischen Universität, Honorarprofessor an der Freien Universität Berlin; 1971–88 o. Professor an der Universität Kiel; 1969–75 Präsident der Allgemeinen Gesellschaft für Philosophie in Deutschland; 1978–88 Mitglied des Comité Directeur der Féderation Internationale des Sociétés de Philosophie in Bern.


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