
Seyla Benhabib

Gleichheit und Differenz

Die Würde des Menschen und die Souveränitätsansprüche der Völker im Spiegel der politischen Moderne
Hrsg. v. Volker Drehsen. Übers. v. Stefan Eich u. Paul S. Peterson

[Equality and Difference. Human Dignity and Popular Sovereignty in the Mirror of Political Modernity.]

2013. 164 pages.

Lucas-Preis 2012

29,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-152612-1
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Published in German.
Are cosmopolitan ideals just wishful thinking today? Seyla Benhabib takes a historical and conceptual perspective in her approach to the paradoxes of equality and difference in modern Western philosophy.Proceeding from autobiographical reflections, she presents episodes in the cultural and political experiences of German-speaking Jews and their answers to the dilemmas of equality and difference, self-determination and assimilation.
Are cosmopolitan ideals just wishful thinking today? Seyla Benhabib takes a historical and conceptual perspective in her approach to the paradoxes of equality and difference in the philosophy of the modern Western world. Proceeding from autobiographical reflections, she presents episodes in the cultural and political experiences of German-speaking Jews and their answers to the dilemmas of equality and difference, self-determination and assimilation. Reflections by Leopold Lucas, Moritz Goldstein, Hans Kelsen, Leo Strauss and Hannah Arendt help her to examine the paradoxical political experience in the modern nation state in view of the hybridity of cultural identities and achievements. Benhabib's central concepts here are »hospitality« as a reference to our own foreignness and problematic diversity, the jurisgenerative power of cosmopolitan norms and the idea of democratic iterations as processes of shaping politics through the law.

Seyla Benhabib Geboren 1950; Studium der Philosophie; 1977 Promotion; Arbeiten zur kritischen und feministischen Theorie, zu Hannah Arendt und Jürgen Habermas; Eugene Meyer Professorin für Politische Wissenschaft und Philosophie an der Universität Yale; Fellow der American Academy of Arts and Sciences; 2008–09 Fellow des Wissenschaftskollegs zu Berlin. 2009 Ernst-Bloch-Preis, 2012 Dr.-Leopold-Lucas-Preis, 2014 Meister-Eckhart-Preis.

Volker Drehsen 1949 – 2013; 1994 Professor für Praktische Theologie, von 1996–2000 Dekan der Evangelisch-Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Tübingen.

Stefan Eich No current data available.

Paul Silas Peterson Born 1979; theological studies in Portland, Edinburgh and Tübingen; Privatdozent Dr. theol., Protestant Faculty of Theology of the University of Tübingen.


The following reviews are known:

In: Dialogo Filosofico — 32 (2016), S. 143–144
In: Revue Hellenique des Droits de l'homme — 2016, 771–772
In: Wort und Antwort — 55 (2014), S. 140 (Ulrich Engel)