
Marc Amstutz

Globale Unternehmensgruppen

Geschichte und Zukunft des europäischen Konzernrechtes

[Global Corporate Groups. The European Law of Corporate Groups: Past and Future.]

69,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-155181-9
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Published in German.
What could a law of global corporate groups look like? The EU's latest legislative initiatives show the path to go. What is of the essence is to build a network connecting the statutes of every single group's entities together. That asks for the development of a transnational legal doctrine that Marc Amstutz designs in his study.
What could a law of global corporate groups look like? The EU's latest legislative initiatives show the path to go. What is of the essence is to build a network connecting the statutes of every single group's entities together. That asks for the development of a transnational legal doctrine that Marc Amstutz designs in his study.

Marc Amstutz Geboren 1962; 1980–86 Studium der Rechtswissenschaft (Bern); 1992 Promotion (Zürich); 1996 LL.M (Harv.); 2000 Habilitation (Freiburg i.Üe.); seit 2000 Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht sowie Rechtstheorie an der Universität Freiburg i.Üe.; Co-Direktor des Instituts für Recht und Wirtschaft (IDE) und Vorstandsmitglied des Instituts für Europarecht an der Universität Freiburg i.Üe.


The following reviews are known:

In: Zeitschr.f.d.ges.Handels-u.WirtschR (ZHR) — 2018, 359–363 (Alexander Schall)
In: — (Andreas Seidel)