
Götterbilder – Gottesbilder – Weltbilder

Polytheismus und Monotheismus in der Welt der Antike. Band I: Ägypten, Mesopotamien, Persien, Kleinasien, Syrien, Palästina.Band II: Griechenland und Rom, Judentum, Christentum und Islam
Hrsg. v. Reinhard G. Kratz u. Hermann Spieckermann

[Images of the Gods – Images of God – World Views. Polytheism and Monotheism in the Ancient World. Volume I: Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, Asia Minor, Syria, Palestine. Volume II: Greece and Rome, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. 2nd edition.]

2nd, reviewed edition; 2009. XXVIII, 713 pages.

Forschungen zum Alten Testament 2. Reihe 17/18

29,00 €
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sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-149886-2
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Published in German.
These volumes contribute to the manifold relationship between polytheism and monotheism in the religions of the Ancient Near East and the Mediterranean world including the current discussions in Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianiy and Islam. In all the religions that are dealt with, the terms polytheism and monotheism prove to be too vague to describe the various manifestations appropriately.
These volumes contribute to the manifold relationship between polytheism and monotheism in the religions of the Ancient Near East and the Mediterranean world including the current discussions in Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianiy and Islam. In all the religions that are dealt with, the terms polytheism and monotheism prove to be too vague to describe the various manifestations appropriately.

Reinhard Gregor Kratz Geboren 1957; Studium der Gräzistik und Ev. Theologie in Frankfurt a.M., Heidelberg und Zürich; Promotion und Habilitation in Zürich; Professor für Altes Testament in Göttingen.

Hermann Spieckermann Geboren 1950; 1969–75 Studium der Ev. Theologie und Altorientalistik in Münster und Göttingen; 1982 Promotion; 1987 Habilitation; 1989–92 Professor für Altes Testament und altorientalische Religionsgeschichte in Zürich; 1992–99 in Hamburg; 1999–2018 Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Altes Testament in Göttingen.


The following reviews are known:

In: Etudes Théologiques et Réligieuses — 85 (2010), S. 245–251 (Dany Nocquet)
In: Biblische Notizen — 146 (2010), S. 130–131 (Friedrich V. Reiterer)
In: Kleio-Historia — 14 (2021), pp. 99–101 (Mark Beumer)