
Hermann Deuser


Semiotische Religionstheorie und Pragmatismus

[The Godly Instinct. Semiotic Religious Theory and Pragmatism.]

59,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-148355-4
Published in German.
Due to the subjectivization of modern philosophy and its separation of nature and mind, it seems unusual to think of 'God' and 'instinct' in one context. On behalf of American philosophy, pragmatism and semiotics, Hermann Deuser opposes this tradition. He argues in favor of a rediscovery of God's 'reality' and calls for the development of a theory of religion which is in keeping with the times.
Due to the subjectivization of modern philosophy and its separation of nature and mind, it seems unusual to think of 'God' and 'instinct' in one context. It is mainly the history of the reception of Kant's transcendental philosophy which led to abstractions and distances in relation to natural religiosity. On behalf of American philosophy, pragmatism and semiotics, Hermann Deuser opposes this tradition. He argues in favor of a rediscovery of God's 'reality' and calls for the development of a theory of religion which is in keeping with the times. The consequence of this would be that the philosophy of religion and theology could discover common productive models of thought which could promote the dialog among religions and also serve to strengthen individual religiosity.

Hermann Deuser Geboren 1946; Studium der Ev. Theologie, Philosophie und Germanistik; 1973 Promotion; 1978 Habilitation; Prof. em. für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main; Fellow am Max-Weber-Kolleg der Universität Erfurt.


The following reviews are known:

In: Theologische Literaturzeitung — Jg.131 (2006), H.7/8, S.905ff (Daniel von Wachter)
In: Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift — Jg.59 (2005), H.2, S.170f (H.J. Adriaanse)
In: Gregorianum — Vol.86 (2005), H.2, S. 413ff (Donath Hercsik)
In: Tijdschrift voor Theologie — Jg.45 (2005), H.2, S.225 (R.Plum)