Grundfragen demokratischer und rechtsstaatlicher Verwaltung

1. Deutsch-Japanisches Verwaltungsrechtskolloquium
Edited by Bernd Grzeszick and Wolfgang Kahl
[Fundamental Issues of a Democratic and Constitutional Administration. 1st German-Japanese Colloquium on Administrative Law.]
2024. VIII, 237 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-163456-7
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-163456-7
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In a globalized world, an international exchange is required to assess administration from a perspective of legal doctrine. Japanese administrative law is particularly suitable for this, since the differences in the legal cultures provide sufficient potential for reflection and irritation. In this work, the authors describe the challenges of modern administrative law with a comparison of Japan and Germany, thus contributing to a deeper insight into ubiquitous administrative phenomena.