Vera Eickhoff

Haftung für Suchwortergänzungen

Die äußerungsrechtliche Haftung für Persönlichkeitsrechtsverletzungen durch Suchwortergänzungsfunktionen von Internetsuchmaschinen in Deutschland und Frankreich
[Liability for Search Suggestions. Liability for Violation of Personality Rights through the Search Engine »Autocomplete« Function in Germany and France.]
2018. XVI, 326 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-156179-5
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Vera Eickhoff deals with the issue of liability for a word suggestion algorithm – a feature which completes words or terms as they are typed in – in Germany and France. She is thus able to develop a liability concept that takes both the personality rights of the affected party and the internet user's freedom of information into consideration.

Schriften zum Medienrecht und Kommunikationsrecht (SMKR)