Jewish Studies

Erika Bucholtz

Henri Hinrichsen und der Musikverlag C. F. Peters

Deutsch-jüdisches Bürgertum in Leipzig von 1891 bis 1938

[Henri Hinrichsen and the C.F. Peters Music Publishing Company. The German-Jewish Middle Class in Leipzig between 1891 and 1938. By Erika Bucholtz.]

59,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-147638-9
Published in German.
Henri Hinrichsen (1868–1942) was the owner of the C.F. Peters Publishing Company, one of the most famous German publishers of music, at the beginning of the 20th century. Within the urban community of Leipzig, Hinrichsen distinguished himself by his diverse activities as a patron of the arts and his deep involvement in non-Jewish and Jewish organizations. Using this outstanding publisher of music and eminent representative of the upper middle class in Leipzig as an example, Erika Bucholtz increases the reader's awareness of the way in which the German-Jewish middle class took part in middle-class culture before 1933.
Henri Hinrichsen (1868–1942) was the owner of the C.F. Peters Publishing Company, one of the most famous German publishers of music, at the beginning of the 20th century. Within the urban community of Leipzig, Hinrichsen distinguished himself by his diverse activities as a patron of the arts and his deep involvement in non-Jewish and Jewish organizations. Using this outstanding publisher of music and eminent representative of the upper middle class in Leipzig as an example, Erika Bucholtz increases the reader's awareness of the way in which the German-Jewish middle class took part in middle-class culture before 1933.

Erika Bucholtz Geboren 1961; Studium der Musikwissenschaft und Neueren Geschichte an der TU Berlin; 1996–97 Doktorandenstelle am Simon-Dubnow-Institut für jüdische Geschichte und Kultur e.V. in Leipzig; 2000 Promotion (TU Berlin); seit 1995 Wiss. Assistentin der Stiftung Topographie des Terrors in Berlin.


The following reviews are known:

In: Das Historisch-Politische Buch — Jg.50 (2002), H.3, S. 317f (Christian Berger)
In: Archiv für Sozialgeschichte — Bd.42 (2002), S. 335ff (Barbara von der Lühe)
In: IASLonline — (Andrea Lorz)
In: Aschkenas -Keine Angebote mehr!- — Jg.13 (2003), H.2, S.583f (Ulrich Wyrwa)
In: H-Soz-u-Kult — (Http://hsozkult.)
In: Central European History — Vol.38 (2005), H.1, S.160ff (Pamela M. Potter)