
Herrschaft und Gesellschaft

[Authority and Society.]

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ISBN 978-3-16-156378-2
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Published in German.
The political system of society does not just consist of organisations focussed on official power. The interaction with other functional systems and internal requirements for communication necessitates a different, more abstract analysis of power and authority that reveals the relationships between institutions, the performance of functions, and the ideal amount of influence.
The political system of society does not just consist of organisations focussed on official power. The interaction with other functional systems and internal requirements for communication necessitates a different, more abstract analysis of power and authority that reveals the relationships between institutions, the performance of functions, and the ideal amount of influence. The state has long since ceased to be the clarifying starting point or matrix for theory formation; it is merely the subject of a theory of political domination. States and supranational or international organisations are undoubtedly important, but not necessarily also and always the centre of political authority when power is understood as the increased probability of taking over foreign selections and action perspectives (obedience).

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