Oliver Jürgen Junge


Die Rechtsnatur der Europäischen Union im Vergleich mit imperialen Ordnungen vom Römischen bis zum Britischen Reich
[Empire. The Legal Nature of the European Union Compared to Imperial Systems from the Roman to the British Empire.]
2018. XXII, 609 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156280-8
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-156280-8
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Historically, the European Union is regarded as being one of a kind, unique and incomparable. Oliver Jürgen Junge takes a comparative view of imperial systems, notably the Roman and British empires, along with the Holy Roman Empire and others, to reveal amazingly plausible and up-to-date parallels with the European Union as it finds itself in the process of European integration.

Verfassungsentwicklung in Europa (VEEu)