Anna Berger

In dubio pro reo und Wahrscheinlichkeitsurteile

Eine Untersuchung zur richterlichen Entscheidung unter Anwendung von Prognosenormen, Verdachtsnormen und Schätzklauseln im Strafprozess
[In dubio pro reo and Probability Judgements. An Investigation into Judicial Decision-Making in Criminal Proceedings Using Prediction and Suspicion Norms and Appraisal Clauses.]
2023. XI, 173 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-162644-9
Published in German.
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Normally when it comes to a judicial decision, the accused enjoys the benefit of the doubt – »in dubio pro reo«. However, the scope of this rule of lenity is still not fully determined, especially where the court applies law that requires predicting future events or making estimates. Anna Berger points out in her study that »pro reo«, it is not always the correct answer in every case of judicial uncertainty.

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