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Niklas Andree

Innovationswettbewerb in der Fusionskontrolle

Konzeptionelle Grundlagen und Entscheidungspraxis der Europäischen Kommission
[Innovation Competition in Merger Control. Conceptual Foundations and Case Practice of the European Commission.]
2023. XV, 454 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-162415-5
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Although promoting innovation is a central objective of competition policy, it has not yet been sufficiently integrated into merger control. In this volume, Niklas Andree first establishes the economic foundations to better understand the current situation, before going on to develop a novel analytical approach, using case studies of European Commission's case practice to suggest fitting reform proposals.

Beiträge zum Kartellrecht (BtrKR)