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Jens Wüstemann

Institutionenökonomik und internationale Rechnungslegungsordnungen

[Instititutional Economics and International Accounting Systems. By Jens Wüstemann.]
2002. XIV, 217 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-147682-2
What makes capital markets efficient, and how can accounting create effective protection for investors? Jens Wüstemann systematizes and assesses the accounting system in the USA, basing his analysis on the theoretical foundation of institutional economics and giving a comparison of investor protection in the USA and in Germany. He focuses on the institutional design of accounting and disclosure rules in international capital markets. In doing so, he develops general principles of information which can be seen as a model for the reorganization of the German accounting system.

Die Einheit der Gesellschaftswissenschaften (EdG)