
International Yearbook for Hermeneutics / Internationales Jahrbuch für Hermeneutik

Focus: Philosophy as Literature / Schwerpunkt: Philosophie als Literatur
Ed. by Günter Figal

[Internationales Jahrbuch für Hermeneutik. Band 13. Schwerpunkt: Philosophie als Literatur.]

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ISBN 978-3-16-153314-3
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Published in English.
The International Yearbook for Hermeneutics represents one of the prominent currents in contemporary philosophy as well as in bordering disciplines.
It collects studies on questions concerning understanding and interpretation in all relevant fields, including philosophy, theology, jurisprudence, theory of science as well as literary and cultural studies. The Yearbook includes contributions to current debates and on the history of ideas from antiquity to the present.
This volume is dedicated to the topic of »Philosophy as Literature.«
The International Yearbook for Hermeneutics represents one of the prominent currents in contemporary philosophy as well as in bordering disciplines. It gathers studies on questions concerning understanding and interpretation in all relevant fields, including philosophy, theology, jurisprudence, theory of science as well as literary and cultural studies. The Yearbook includes contributions to current debates and on the history of ideas from antiquity to the present. This volume is dedicated to the topic of »Philosophy as Literature."
Survey of contents
Focus: Philosophy as Literature
Rodolphe Gasché:
The Eve of Philosophy: On the 'Topic' Movements and Syntactic Resistance in Derrida's White MythologyGünter Figal: Schriftliches Denken. Über den literarischen Charakter der Philosophie – Bernhard Zimmermann: Sinfonie der Gattungen. Zu Platons Dialogen – Thomas Jürgasch: »Dichtung als Wahrheit? Wahrheit als Dichtung?« Philosophisches und Poetisches in der Vita Plotini des Porphyrios – Sanem Yazıcıoğlu: The Mist of Seeing – Jennifer Mensch: The Poem as Plant: Archetype and Metamorphosis in Goethe and Schlegel – Peter Georgsson: Filling In Nietzsche: the Hermeneutical Reversal of Plato's Indeterminacy Arguments and its Relevance for the Understanding of Philosophical Texts – Theodore George: The Promise of World Literature – Jerome Veith: Waves and Horizons: Literary Response in the Space of Questionability – Gert-Jan van der Heiden: Who Bears Witness for the Witness? On the Testimony of Literature
Tôru Tani: Die Phänomenalisierung der Kultur – Hans Peter Liederbach: Übersetzungs-Räume: Zur hermeneutischen Konstellation von Martin Heidegger und Watsuji Tetsurô – Tōru Itō: Yanagi Muneyoshi ― eine Kunsttheorie im technischen Zeitalter – Charlotte Gauvry: Kategorie und Formbegriff. Von Lask zu Heidegger – Inga Römer: Ricœurs Spätphilosophie als ein post-hegelianischer Kantianismus

Günter Figal (1949–2024): 1976 PhD; 1987 Habilitation; 1989–2002 Professor of Philosophy at the University of Tübingen; since 2002 Professor for Philosophy at the University of Freiburg im Breisgau; since 2017 emeritus.


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