
International Yearbook for Hermeneutics / Internationales Jahrbuch für Hermeneutik

Focus: The Space of Imagination / Schwerpunkt: Der Raum der Einbildungskraft
Ed. by Günter Figal

[Internationales Jahrbuch für Hermeneutik. Band 14. Schwerpunkt: Der Raum der Einbildungskraft.]

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ISBN 978-3-16-154004-2
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Published in English.
The International Yearbook for Hermeneutics represents one of the prominent currents in contemporary philosophy as well as in bordering disciplines.
It collects studies on questions concerning understanding and interpretation in all relevant fields, including philosophy, theology, jurisprudence, theory of science as well as literary and cultural studies. The Yearbook includes contributions to current debates and on the history of ideas from antiquity to the present.
This volume is dedicated to the topic of »Space of Imagination.«
The International Yearbook for Hermeneutics represents one of the prominent currents in contemporary philosophy as well as in bordering disciplines. It gathers studies on questions concerning understanding and interpretation in all relevant fields, including philosophy, theology, jurisprudence, theory of science as well as literary and cultural studies. The Yearbook includes contributions to current debates and on the history of ideas from antiquity to the present. This volume is dedicated to the topic of »The Space of Imagination."
Survey of contents
Focus: Space of Imagination
John Sallis:
Coming As If From Nowhere – Dennis J. Schmidt: Creatures of φανταςία. On Dreams and the Radical Imagination – James Risser: The Place of Imagination in Gadamer's Philosophical Hermeneutics – Tobias Keiling: Zirkel und Kreise des Verstehens. Gadamer, Emerson, Kant – Delia Popa: The Relation between Space and Imagination in Husserl's Phenomenology – Simone Neuber: Die Verhexung des Bewusstseins seiner selbst. Sartre und skeptische Traumargumente – John Arthos: The Motley Cloak of Hermeneutic Being. Salvaging the Dispossessed Subject in Paul Ricœur – Krzysztof Ziarek: Image-less Thinking: The Time-Space for the Imagination in Heidegger – Walter Brogan: Beyond Representation. The Politics of the Image in the Work of Jean-Luc-Nancy – Annika Schlitte: Nostalgie und Heimweh zwischen Imagination und Erinnerung. Phänomenologische Überlegungen im Ausgang von Edward Casey – Thomas Jürgasch: Die Enzyklopädie als Choratopos. Pragmatische Überlegungen zur Interpretation als einem räumlichen Phänomen

Gunnar Hindrichs:
Die spekulative Struktur der Hermeneutik. Günter Figal zum 65. Geburtstag – Steven Crowell: On the Very Idea of the Canonical – Burkhard Liebsch: Veränderte Existenz in der Geschichte der Gewalt. Zur Historizität der Existenzphilosophie im Lichte neuerer Reaktualisierungsversuche – Anniina Leiviskä: Gadamer's Dialogical Rationality. A Defence against Two Postmetaphysical Critiques – Mathis Lessau: From Reflexive Awareness to Autobiographical Identity. Wilhelm Dilthey on the Development of Self-Consciousness – Iris Laner: Kontemplatives Wissen. Zur epistemischen Dimension ästhetischer Erfahrung nach Maurice Merleau-Ponty – Rajiv Kaushik: Psyche and Civilization. The Far Reaches of Merleau-Ponty's Natural Ontology – Michael Multhammer: Prolegomena zu einer Hermeneutik prekärer Autorschaft. Aspekte anonymen und pseudonymen Publizierens zwischen Grimmelshausen und Goethe

Günter Figal (1949–2024): 1976 PhD; 1987 Habilitation; 1989–2002 Professor of Philosophy at the University of Tübingen; since 2002 Professor for Philosophy at the University of Freiburg im Breisgau; since 2017 emeritus.


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