
International Yearbook for Hermeneutics / Internationales Jahrbuch für Hermeneutik

Focus: Humanism / Schwerpunkt: Humanismus
Ed. by Günter Figal

[Internationales Jahrbuch für Hermeneutik. Band 15. Schwerpunkt: Humanismus.]

129,00 €
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sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-154777-5
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Published in English.
The International Yearbook for Hermeneutics represents one of the prominent currents in contemporary philosophy as well as in bordering disciplines.
It collects studies on questions concerning understanding and interpretation in all relevant fields, including philosophy, theology, jurisprudence, theory of science as well as literary and cultural studies. The Yearbook includes contributions to current debates and on the history of ideas from antiquity to the present.
This volume is dedicated to the topic of »Humanism.«
The International Yearbook for Hermeneutics represents one of the prominent currents in contemporary philosophy as well as in bordering disciplines. It gathers studies on questions concerning understanding and interpretation in all relevant fields, including philosophy, theology, jurisprudence, theory of science as well as literary and cultural studies. The Yearbook includes contributions to current debates and on the history of ideas from antiquity to the present. This volume is dedicated to the topic of »Humanism."
Survey of contents
Focus: Humanism
Bernhard Zimmermann:
Humanismus und humanistische Bildung- Gert-Jan van der Heiden: Technology and Childhood. On a Double Debt of the Human – Antonia Egel: Warum lesen und wenn ja, dann was? Literarische Bildung und politische Gemeinschaft – Gaetano Chiurazzi: Metaphysical or Practical Humanism: the Specifity of Antispeciesism – James Risser: Sensible Humanism- Günter Figal: Humanismus nach Heidegger. Die Unumgänglichkeit des Guten – Charles Bambach: The Ethos of Heraclitean Dwelling in Heidegger's Letter on Humanism. A reading of Heraclitus fragment b119- Stefan Tilg: Facetten humanistischer Landschaftserfahrung – Nicholas Davies: Hermeneutics and the Questions of the Human."And what if the world turns out to be like us after all?« A Cautionary Tale for Hermeneutics and Humanities – Tobias Keiling: Hermeneutic Humansim. Sketches for a Reading of Gadamer

Stanley Cavell
: Philosophie übermorgen – Edward S. Casey: Glatte Räume und grob umrandete Orte – Die verborgene Geschichte des Ortes- Sonja Borchers: Gorgias' Sprachverständnis – Sergej Seitz: Responsibility, Testimony, and Violence at the Margins of the Human. A Critical Encounter between Agamben and Levinas – Morten Sørensen Thaning: Eine sokratische Interpretation des Freiheitsbegriffs in der Fundamentalanalyse von Sein und Zeit – Hannes Kerber: Der Begriff der Problemgeschichte und das Problem der Begriffsgeschichte. Gadamers vergessene Kritik am Historismus Nicolai Hartmanns

Günter Figal (1949–2024): 1976 PhD; 1987 Habilitation; 1989–2002 Professor of Philosophy at the University of Tübingen; since 2002 Professor for Philosophy at the University of Freiburg im Breisgau; since 2017 emeritus.


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