
International Yearbook for Hermeneutics/Internationales Jahrbuch für Hermeneutik

Volume 18: Focus: Ways of Hermeneutics / Band 18: Schwerpunkt: Wege der Hermeneutik
Edited by Günter Figal and Bernhard Zimmermann

[Internationales Jahrbuch für Hermeneutik. Band 18. Schwerpunkt: Wege der Hermeneutik.]

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ISBN 978-3-16-158281-3
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Published in English.
The International Yearbook for Hermeneutics represents one of the prominent currents in contemporary philosophy as well as in bordering disciplines.
It collects studies on questions concerning understanding and interpretation in all relevant fields, including philosophy, theology, jurisprudence, theory of science as well as literary and cultural studies. The Yearbook includes contributions to current debates and on the history of ideas from antiquity to the present.
This volume focusses on »Ways of Hermeneutics.«
The International Yearbook for Hermeneutics represents one of the prominent currents in contemporary philosophy as well as in bordering disciplines. It gathers studies on questions concerning understanding and interpretation in all relevant fields, including philosophy, theology, jurisprudence, theory of science as well as literary and cultural studies. The Yearbook includes contributions to current debates and on the history of ideas from antiquity to the present. This volume focusses on » Ways of Hermeneutics."
Survey of contents
Bernhard Zimmermann: Von der Hermeneutik des Fragments – Günter Figal: Der nicht dekonstruierbare Sinn. Zu einer Hermeneutik des Primordialen – Anton Friedrich Koch: Wahrheit, Subjektivität und die Lesbarkeit der Dinge – James Risser: Agamben's »Demand« and the Fate of Hermeneutics – Charles Bambach: The Hermeneutics of Remembrance. A Reading of Hölderlin's »Andenken« – Pavel Kouba: Anatomie der Gegenwart – Tobias Keiling: Probleme hermeneutischer Anthropologie im Ausgang von W. G. Sebald – Dennis J. Schmidt: Philosophical Life and Moral Responsibility. Wozu Philosophie? – Alejandro A. Vallega: Destruction and Memory. Hermeneutical Delimitations in Light of Latin American Thought – Jennifer Mensch: The Course of Human Development. 19th- century Comparative Linguistics from Schlegel to Schleicher – Rüdiger Görner: Satyrchor contra »einsamstes Lied«. Zu Nietzsches Ästhetik des Chorischen – Hans Rainer Sepp: Die Welt und das Reale. Frühe Antworten auf den späten Neuen Realismus – Nicole Haitzinger: Manieristisches Ensemble: Architektur und Körperlichkeit in der Spätrenaissance – Yusuke Okada: Ontologische Differenz in der philosophischen Hermeneutik Gadamers – Robert Lehmann: Widerstreit aushalten. Kritische Selbsterkenntnis bei Husserl und Horkheimer – Ian Alexander Moore: For the Love of Detachment. Trakl, Heidegger, and Derrida's Geschlecht

Günter Figal (1949–2024): 1976 PhD; 1987 Habilitation; 1989–2002 Professor of Philosophy at the University of Tübingen; since 2002 Professor for Philosophy at the University of Freiburg im Breisgau; since 2017 emeritus.

Bernhard Zimmermann Born 1955; 1983 PhD; 1988 Habilitation; 1992–97 Professor of Classical Philology at the Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf; since 1997 Professor for Classical Philology at the University of Freiburg im Breisgau.


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