
Internationales Jahrbuch für Hermeneutik

Schwerpunkt: Sprache
Hrsg. v. Günter Figal

[International Yearbook for Hermeneutics. Edited by Günter Figal.]

129,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-147756-0
Published in German.
This yearbook represents a broad basis of one of the main trends in present-day philosophy with its counterparts in other sectors of the humanities. Hermeneutics sees itself as a successor to German Idealism and to the philosophy which originated in Germany and Europe during the 19th and the 20th century. In a broad sense, hermeneutics can be seen here as a counterbalance to analytical philosophy. Particular emphasis is also placed on the reference to antiquity as the origin of European philosophy.
This yearbook represents a broad basis of one of the main trends in present-day philosophy with its counterparts in other sectors of the humanities. Hermeneutics sees itself as a successor to German Idealism and to the philosophy which originated in Germany and Europe during the 19th and the 20th century. In a broad sense, hermeneutics can be seen here as a counterbalance to analytical philosophy. Particular emphasis is also placed on the reference to antiquity as the origin of European philosophy.
Survey of contents
Schwerpunkt Sprache:
John Sallis: Timaios' Rede über die Cwvra – Damir Barbaric: Spiel der Sprache. Zu Platons Dialog Kratylos – Josef Simon: Verstehen und Nichtverstehen oder Der lange Abschied vom Sein – Luca Crescenzi: Die Leistung des Buchstabens. Ein ungeschriebenes Kapitel zur Unverständlichkeitsdebatte in der deutschen Frühromantik – Michael Steinmann: 'Das Rätsel des Worts'. Zur Entdeckung der Sprache im Spätwerk Paul Natorps – Hans Ruin: Ursprung im Exil. Heidegger und Benjamin über Sprache, Wahrheit und Übersetzung
Werner Stegmaier: Hermeneutik der ethischen Orientierung. Autonomie, Autarkie und Heteronomie im europäischen Denken – Stephan Otto: Können Tatsachen sprechen? Das Janusantlitz der 'facta historica' im Spiegel von Geschichtstheorie und reflektierender Vernunft – Pavel Kouba: Kant ohne das Problem der Metaphysik – sowie Aufsätze von Birgit Recki, Hans-Helmuth Gander, Michael Großheim und Donatella Di Cesare.

Günter Figal (1949–2024): 1976 PhD; 1987 Habilitation; 1989–2002 Professor of Philosophy at the University of Tübingen; since 2002 Professor for Philosophy at the University of Freiburg im Breisgau; since 2017 emeritus.


The following reviews are known:

In: Teoria — Vol.23 (2003), H.1, S. 152ff (Annamaria Lossi)
In: Information Philosophie — 2003, H.2, S. 139f