
Dominik J. Snjka

Internationales Planungsrecht

Eine Untersuchung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Umwelt-, des Infrastruktur- und des Seerechts

[International Planning Law. A Study with Special Regard to Environmental, Infrastructure and Maritime Law.]

2022. XIX, 385 pages.

Schriften zum Infrastrukturrecht 26

89,00 €
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sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-160697-7
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Published in German.
Dominik J. Snjka undertakes an exploratory journey in search of an international law of spatial planning in this study distinguishing between two conceivable functions of international law. On the one hand, this forms the legal framework of sovereign spatial planning and, on the other, it can itself become an instrument of sovereign planning. After looking at structural preliminary considerations, the author takes stock of international environmental regulation requirements for spatial planning, which are then reflected in international maritime law. In the last part, existing approaches to spatial planning through international law are examined, covering trans-boundary infrastructures and protected areas as well as spatial planning by international organizations.
Dominik J. Snjka undertakes an exploratory journey in search of an international law of spatial planning in this study distinguishing between two conceivable functions of international law. On the one hand, this forms the legal framework of sovereign spatial planning and, on the other, it can itself become an instrument of sovereign planning. After looking at structural preliminary considerations, the author takes stock of international environmental regulation requirements for spatial planning, which are then reflected in international maritime law. In the last part, existing approaches to spatial planning through international law are examined, covering trans-boundary infrastructures and protected areas as well as spatial planning by international organizations.

Dominik J. Snjka Geboren 1986; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft an der Universität Bonn mit Aufenthalten in Santiago de Chile; 2014 Erstes, 2020 Zweites Staatsexamen; 2014–18 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Öffentliches Recht und Institut für das Recht der Wasser‑ und Entsorgungswirtschaft der Universität Bonn; Forschungsaufenthalt am International Maritime Law Institute (IMO) in Malta; 2020 Promotion; 2018–20 Referendariat; seit 2021 Rechtsanwalt.


The following reviews are known:

In: Zeitschr.f.Umweltrecht — 33 (2022), 384
In: Fachbuchjournal — 14 (2022), 50–51 (Ulrich Storost)