
Sandra Hotz

Japanische, deutsche und schweizerische Irrtumsregelungen

Ein rechtsvergleichender Beitrag zum Verhältnis von verbraucherschützenden Vertragslösungsrechten und allgemeinem Vertragsrecht

[Remedying Errors in Japanese, German and Swiss Law. A Comparative Study of the Relationship between the Contract Dissolution Rights for Consumer Protection and General Contract Law.]

89,00 €
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sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-149204-4
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Published in German.
Interference with an intention when concluding a contract is a classic problem in contract law, a problem which also arises in current consumer law. Sandra Hotz studies the significance of this fact for the remedying of errors.
Interference with an intention when concluding a contract is a classic problem in contract law, a problem which also arises in current consumer law. Sandra Hotz studies the significance of this fact for the remedying of errors. She begins by showing the development of error remedies in Germany, Japan and Switzerland. In the discussion concerning suitable consumer protection and in a comparison to the modern laws for dissolving contracts, she shows that the »classic error doctrine« contains many elements which could be used to protect the self-determination of the consumer. Conversely, modern reporting requirements on fundamental characteristics of the subject matter of a contract, which protect the consumer, provide information on possible new criteria for the »significance« attached to the mistake in the inducement.

Sandra Hotz Geboren 1967; Studium der Rechtswissenschaften in Zürich; 2006 Promotion; Assistentin an der Universität Zürich.


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In: — (Martin Löhnig)