
Jesus in Continuum

Ed. by Tom Holmén

[Jesus in Kontinuität.]

149,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-150683-3
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Published in English.
Tom Holmén outlines a continuum approach to the historical Jesus. He strives for a more comprehensive way to look at Jesus in his historical context, explaining him expressly as a part of the continuum early Judaism – early Christianity. Here the scrutiny of the Christian reception history of Jesus is given a role equal to studying Jesus within Judaism.
One of the central characteristics of the latest historical Jesus research has been the attempt to locate Jesus plausibly within first-century Judaism. Less emphasis has been placed on the question as to whether or how, if at all, the image of Jesus within the Jewish context also suits and accounts for the history of the influence and reception of Jesus in early Christianity. Tom Holmén urges that the Christian reception history of Jesus be given a proper role in research. He argues that the scrutiny of the reception should not be a mere appendage to the more careful study of Jesus within Judaism. Instead, the reception should be given equally serious attention and form an integral part of scholarly pursuits. As a result, one no longer studies Jesus »within Judaism« but »in continuum,« namely in the continuum from early Judaism to early Christianity. The articles of this volume outline a continuum approach to the historical Jesus. They are divided into three areas exhibiting different aspects of the continuum approach: theoretical aspects, Jesus meets Christianity, and Jesus from Judaism to Christianity.

Tom Holmén Born 1963, 1999 ThD from Åbo Akademi University; currently adjunct professor of New Testament Exegetics at Åbo Akademi University and University of Helsinki.


The following reviews are known:

In: Novum Testamentum — 57 (2015), S. 91–92 (Christoph Stenschke)
In: Actualidad Bibliografica — 99 (2013), S. 42–49 (Valenti Fàbrega)
In: Studien zum NT und seiner Umwelt — 39 (2014), S. 238–242 (Heinz Giesen)
In: Svensk Exegetisk Arsbok — 79 (2014), S. 174–176 (Tobias Hägerland)
In: Theologische Literaturzeitung — 139 (2014), S. 395–396 (Jens Schröter)
In: Journal for the Study of the New Testament (JSNT) — 35.5 (2013), S. 37–38 (F. Gerald Downing)
In: New Testament Abstracts — 57 (2013), S. 401–402
In: Review of Biblical Literature — (03/2014) (Sarah E. Rollens)