
Martin Hengel

Judaica, Hellenistica et Christiana

Kleine Schriften II
Unter Mitarb. v. Jörg Frey u. Dorothea Betz, u. mit Beitr. v. Hanswulf Bloedhorn u. Max Küchler

[Judaica, Hellenistica et Christiana. Selected Writings Volume II. By Martin Hengel. Student Edition.]

1999; unrevised student edition; 2002. X, 466 pages.

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 109

64,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-147751-5
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Published in German.
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Martin Hengel (1926–2009) was Professor of New Testament and Early Judaism at the Protestant Theology Faculty at the University of Tübingen.

Jörg Frey Born 1962; 1996 Dr. theol.; 1998 Habilitation; Professor of New Testament Studies at the University of Zurich, Switzerland; Honorary Doctorate of the Faculty for Theology at the University of Uppsala (Sweden).

Dorothea Betz No current data available.


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