Jewish Studies

Lucia Raspe

Jüdische Hagiographie im mittelalterlichen Aschkenas

[Jewish Hagiography in Medieval Ashkenaz]

149,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-148575-6
Published in German.
Lucia Raspe explores the origins and the cultural significance of the corpus of hagiographic tales about the great luminaries of medieval Ashkenaz that was first printed, in both Hebrew and Yiddish, towards the end of the sixteenth century.
Lucia Raspe explores the origins of the corpus of hagiographic tales about the great luminaries of medieval Ashkenaz that was first printed, in both Hebrew and Yiddish, towards the end of the sixteenth century. Tracing a number of these tales back into manuscript and oral tradition, the study shows how traditional narratives were linked to historical heroes in the course of what was an essentially literary dynamic. Once such a link had been established, however, some of these narratives seem to have taken on a life of their own. Thus, they may offer a glimpse of a sort of grassroots veneration of saints after all.

Lucia Raspe Geboren 1965; Studium der Judaistik und der Nordamerikastudien in Tübingen, Chapel Hill (North Carolina), Berlin und Jerusalem; 2003 Promotion; wissenschaftliche Assistentin am Seminar für Judaistik an der Universität Frankfurt/Main.


The following reviews are known:

In: Judaica — 63 (2007), S. 151–153 (Susanne Talabardon)
In: Historische Zeitschrift — 284 (2007), S. 179–180 (Eva Haverkamp)
In: Fabula — 49 (2008), S. 180–183 (Nathanael Riemer)
In: Revue des Etudes Juives — 167 (2008), S. 299–302 (Jean-P. Rothschild)
In: Zion — 73 (2008), S. 500–505 (Elisheva Baumgarten)
In: Archiv für Hess.Gesch.u.Altertumsk. — 65 (2007), S. 383–384 (J. F. Battenberg)
In: Zeitschr.f.Histor.Forschung — 35 (2008), S. 83–85 (Christine Magin)
In: Sehepunkte — (Christoph Cluse)