
Christoph Markschies

Kaiserzeitliche christliche Theologie und ihre Institutionen

Prolegomena zu einer Geschichte der antiken christlichen Theologie

[Christian Theology and Its Institutions during the Principate. Prolegomena to a History of Ancient Christian Theology. Student edition.]

2007; unrevised student edition; 2009. VI, 525 pages.
64,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-149957-9
Published in German.
Christoph Markschies shows that ancient Christian theology must always be seen with a view to its specifically institutional context. Thus the canon of biblical writings is not only of varying length in the works of the apocalyptists, free teachers, in the school of Origen or in the various liturgies, it also has different functions.
Christoph Markschies shows that ancient Christian theology must always be seen with a view to its specifically institutional context. Thus the canon of biblical writings is not only of varying length in the works of the apocalyptists, free teachers, in the school of Origen or in the various liturgies, it also has different functions. The author begins with a description of these various institutions and then uses the biblical canon to explain those characteristics of a theological concept which unite and those which differ. The book is built around studies of the idea of »theology« and an application of the answers to the age-old question related to the unity and plurality of ancient Christianity.

Christoph Markschies Geboren 1962; Studium der Ev. Theologie, Klassische Philologie und Philosophie; 1991 Promotion; 1994 Habilitation und Ordination; Lehrstuhl für Antikes Christentum, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin und Präsident der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften; Mitglied der Akademien der Wissenschaften in Berlin, Heidelberg und Mainz, der Norwegischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, der Europäischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste sowie der Academia Europea.


The following reviews are known:

In: Verkündigung u. Forschung — 54 (2009), Heft 2, S. 55–64 (Martin Wallraff)
In: — 23 (2008), S. 453–455 (Robert J. Wozniak)
In: Archaeus — 15 (2011), S. 433–450 (Ionut Daniel Bancila)