
Joachim E. Christoph

Kirchen- und staatskirchenrechtliche Probleme der Evangelisch-theologischen Fakultäten

Neuere Entwicklungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Bologna-Prozesses

[Problems of Ecclesiastical Law and the Law on Established Churches in the Faculties of Protestant Theology. Recent Developments with a Focus on the Bologna Process.]

2009. XIX, 226 pages.

Jus Ecclesiasticum 91

64,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-150066-4
Published in German.
Joachim E. Christoph deals with the current issues concerning faculties of Protestant theology.
At the beginning of this book, Joachim E. Christoph deals with the theological and historical foundations of faculties of Protestant theology. In the second part of the book, he describes the current situation in relation to ecclesiastical law, the law on established churches and the agreements between the state and the churches. Following this, the author examines older problems which are still unsolved: the right of the regional churches to give an expert opinion on the appointment of theology professors and the clauses on religious denomination in the examination regulations for theology. He also deals with the impact of the Bologna Process on the faculties of Protestant theology, in particular the possible introduction of phased bachelor's and master's degrees, the adoption, alteration and abolition of theology degrees, the designation of final examinations at faculties of theology as well as the accreditation of theology degree programs.

Joachim E. Christoph Geboren 1942; Studium der Ev. Theologie in Tübingen und Marburg, dann Studium der Rechtswissenschaft in Marburg und München; seit 1972 Mitarbeiter im Kirchenrechtlichen Institut der EKD; 1996–2007 jur. Vizepräsident im Lutherischen Kirchenamt der VELKD; 2008 Dr. theol. h. c. und jur. Promotion.


The following reviews are known:

In: Nederlands Dagblad — 12. Februar 2010, S. 4 (Beilage) (Herman J. Selderhuis)
In: Zeitschr. f. Evang. Kirchenrecht — 2011, 209–212 (Ernst-Lüder Solte)
In: FAZ — 4. Februar 2010, S. 8 (Heike Schmoll)
In: Archiv für Kath.Kirchenrecht — 2009, 673–674 (Alfred E. Hierold)
In: Theologische Literaturzeitung — 2011, 1118–1120 (Heinrich de Wall)
In: Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift — 76 (2013), S. 159–160 (Lisbet Christoffersen)