
Johannes Wallmann

Kirchengeschichte Deutschlands seit der Reformation

[Church History of Germany since the Reformation. 8th, bibliographically updated edition.]

8th revised edition; 2023. XIII, 351 pages.
18,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-8252-5903-7
available from utb
Published in German.
This comprehensive survey of German Church history both Protestant and Roman Catholic covers the time from the Reformation up to the end of the twentieth century. The eighth edition of the work – now standard reading for anyone studying German theology – also contains an extensive additional chapter tracing developments up to the end of the twentieth century, which focuses on the church history of the German Democratic Republic as well as the progress made and setbacks suffered by ecumenical Christianity.
This comprehensive survey of German Church history both Protestant and Roman Catholic covers the time from the Reformation up to the end of the twentieth century. The eighth edition of this work – now standard reading for anyone studying German theology – also contains an extensive additional chapter tracing developments up to the end of the twentieth century, which focuses on the church history of the German Democratic Republic as well as the progress made and setbacks suffered by ecumenical Christianity.

Johannes Wallmann (1930–2021) Studium der Ev. Theologie in Berlin und Tübingen; 1961 Promotion; 1968 Habilitation; ab 1971 Professor für Kirchengeschichte an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum; dort 1995 emeritiert; ab 2003 Honorarprofessor an der Humboldt-Universität Berlin.


The following reviews are known:

In: — (Thomas Bernhard)
In: Der Heidewanderer — 27. Juli 2013, S. 120 – zur 7.A. / for the 7th ed. (Heinrich Kröger)
In: Altmark-Blätter — 35 (2012) S. 108–110 – zur 7.A. / for the 7th ed. (HK)
In: — (02/2013) – zur 7.A. / for the 7th ed. (Thomas Bernhard)