Alexander Stöhr

Kleine Unternehmen

Schutz und Interessenausgleich im Machtgefüge zwischen Arbeitnehmern, Verbrauchern und Großunternehmen
[Small Businesses. Protection and the Balance of Interests in the Power Structure between Employees, Consumers, and Large Companies.]
2019. XXV, 576 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156727-8
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-156727-8
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The law almost always treats small businesses as employer or merchant, even though they do not fall cleanly into the opposing legal categories of employer-employee or consumer-merchant, respectively. Alexander Stöhr uses this setting to fundamentally examine the legal protection of small firms and establish an appropriate balance of interests in the power structure between employees, consumers and large companies. On that basis, he is able to make legislative proposals as well as develop lines of reasoning and interpretations of relevant provisions for purposes of legal application.

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