Tristan Barczak, Bernd J. Hartmann

Kohärenz im Glücksspiel

Das unionsrechtliche Kohärenzgebot als Schranken-Schranke der Glücks- und Wettspielregulierung in Österreich
[Coherence in Gambling. The European Union's Coherence Principle as a Barrier to the Regulation of Gambling and Betting in Austria.]
2021. VIII, 84 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-160704-2
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European Union law requires its member states to regulate gambling and betting coherently. Tristan Barczak and Bernd J. Hartmann show that Austrian gambling law violates this requirement in several respects.

Spiel und Recht (SuR)